The Indonesian Singer

the Singer Acha Septriasa Reported broke up with his sweetheart, Irwansyah . Moreover, since Acha The school in Malaysia, the status of their relations could ‘be unclear’.’ Exactly last week, they then broke to Break In the interest of each one. Acha Then planned to look for indigenous people’s other guy.

“I again” Break with Irwan , said Acha , that claimed just on Tuesday (4/12) then declared the status of his relations. But, he denied it if their relations were cut off just like that.

“We not was cut off, that was certain we the commitment was the good friend,” said Acha .

Acha Equivocated, he want to serious by going to class him and did not have the third person among them. He admitted to not having the wish went out with the friend of his one lecture in the Jiran Country.

“I was still liking the person” of “indigenous people,” said the virgin that just recently seen ate together with Samuel Rizal .

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Salah satu Pendatang Baru Yang Doyan Nonton Porno Jakarta Ini dia aktris pendatang baru yang tak sungkan bicara blak-blakan. Bintang film 'Pulau Hantu 2', Wiwid Gunawan mengaku doyan nonton film porno. "Aku senangnya yang bule-bule gitu," ujarnya.

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Kegemaran Wiwid menonton film porno bermula ketika ia menjalani syuting film 'Kawin Kontrak.' Dalam film tersebut ia melakoni suatu adegan ranjang.

"Aku observasi nonton film-film erotis," ujar Wiwid yang aktingnya saat beradegan ranjang cukup meyakinkan itu, saat ditemui di Euro Cafe, Belleza, Permata Hijau, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (4/6/2008).

Dari film-film yang ditontonnya itu, Wiwid mencoba menirukan ekspresi ketika beradegan intim. Dari situ, ia bisa lebih menghayati aktingnya di 'Kawin Kontrak.'

Tanpa sungkan, dara kelahiran Bandung, 21 Juni 1984 itu mengaku mengoleksi beberapa film porno. Jika sudah bosan, ia akan bertukar film dengan teman-temannya.

Film porno seperti apa yang disenangi Wiwid? "Aku senangnya yang bule-bule gitu, yang cowoknya cakep, kekar," jawabnya seraya tersipu malu.